Pursuant to Article 6 of the law n°2004-575 of the 21st June 2004 to support confidence in the digital economy, users of the Gelyma site http://www.gelyma.com/ are informed of the identity of various actors within the scope of its implementation and follow up :
Owner : 1 Boulevard de l'Océan, 13009 Marseille
Design and development : ASCOMEDIA
Publishing manager : Liliane Pellegrini
The publishing manager is a natural or a legal person.
Use of the http://www.gelyma.com/ implies full and unconditional acceptance of the general conditions set forth below. These conditions may be amended or augmented at any time, thus users of site http://www.gelyma.com/ are advised to check them regularly.
The site is normally accessible to the users at any time. Gelyma may however, decide to interrupt access to carry out technical maintenance. In which case, it shall make the effort to previously notify the users of the date and time of the intervention.
The site http://www.gelyma.com/ is updated regularly by Gelyma. Similarly, legal mentions may be amended at any time; they are binding on the user, who is therefore advised to check them as often as possible.
The purpose of the site http://www.gelyma.com/ is to provide information concerning the whole activity of the company.
It is Gelyma's constant endeavour to ensure that the information provided is as accurate as possible. However, he cannot be held responsible of the omissions, inaccuracies or deficiencies in updates, whether of its own doing or of that of partner third parties providing the information concerned
All the information la down in the site http://www.gelyma.com/ are given for guidance and may be subject to change. Please note that the information given on the website http://www.gelyma.com/ is not exhaustive and is subject to any amendments that may have been introduced since it was put online.
The site uses JavaScript.
The Website will not be considered as responsible for material damages connected to the use of the Website. Furthermore, the user of the site undertakes to access the site by utilizing recent equipment, virus free and with a internet browser of the latest generation.
Gelyma is the ownership of intellectual property rights or holds the rights of use of all elements of the website, and namely texts, graphs, logos, icons, images, audio, and software.
All reproduction, representation, modification, publication, adaptation of all or part of this website, whatever the means or method used, are prohibited, unless the prior and express written authorization of: Gelyma.
Any unauthorized use of website or of any of the items it contains shall be deemed to e réserve le droit de supprimer, sans mise en demeure constitute an infringement and subject to legal proceedings in accordance with the provisions of articles L.335-2 and following of the French Intellectual Property Code.
Gelyma cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect damage caused to the user’s hardware when accessing the site http://www.gelyma.com/, as result of the use of material that do not meet specifications set out in 4, or due to the appearance of a bug or incompatibility.
Gelyma cannot be held liable for indirect damages (for example loss of market share or loss of opportunity) arising from the use of the site http://www.gelyma.com/.
Interactive spaces (possibility to ask questions in the message of the contact form ) are available to users. Gelyma reserves the right to withdraw, without prior notice, any content in the area which conflicts with French legislation, particularly provisions relating to general data protection principles.
When appropriate, Gelyma reserve the right to question criminal and administrative responsibility of users, in particularly in case of racist, defamatory and pornographic character, whatever the medium
http://www.gelyma.com/ only collects personal data provided voluntarily.
The data staffs collected on-site http://www.gelyma.com/ are exclusively for internal use of Gelyma company.
The data collected are secured and will be neither communicated to third parts, nor given sold, nor will exchange or will rent.
In the event that you do not provide this information, Gelyma company would not be able to process your file. As a reminder, the site of the Gelyma company is hosted on the French territory therefore within the European community. According to the article 27 of the law 78-17 of January 6th, 1978 ("Informatique et Liberté"), you have the right to access, rectify and delete any data that you have communicated us. This right can be exercised by writing to: gelyma@wanadoo.fr
However, Geylma does not have the ability to verify the content of the sites visited, and therefore not assume the liability for this fact. Our website uses cookies.
During your visit, a cookie can settle down automatically on your browser software. The cookie is a small amount of data which does not allow to identify you but serves to store information about your browsing habits and about the site, to guarantee the best possible experience. If you continue to use these, we will consider that you accept the use of cookies.
You can choose at any time to disable all or part of the cookies via your Internet browser (see the tutorial on the CNIL's official website: www.cnil.fr/fr/cookies-les-outils-pour-les-maitriser. However, we remind you, that the deactivation of all the cookies may not allow you to fully use our site in optimal conditions, except for basic functions.
This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. ("Google"). Google Analytics uses “cookies”, which are text files placed on your computer by your browser, to help it to analyze user navigation.
The information generated by cookies concerning your use of the website (including your IP address) is transmitted to and stored by Google on servers that are probably located in the United States.
Google use this information for evaluating the use of the website, compiling reports on website activity for the attention of its publisher and providing other services relative to the activity of the website and internet usage. Google may transmit this information to third parties when required to do so by law, or when such third parties process the information on Google's behalf, including but not limited to the publisher of this website.
Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google.
Any dispute relating to use of the website http://www.gelyma.com/ is governed by the law of France. It shall come under the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent courts of Paris
Law n° 78-87 of 6 January 1978, particularly modified with law n° 2004-801 of 6 August 2004 relative to computing, to the files and to the liberties.
Law n° 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 to support confidence in the digital economy.
User : net surfer connected to the above website.
Personal information : « Information that enables, in any form, directly or not, the identification of physical persons to whom they should apply» (article 4 , lawn° 78-17, 6th Januar 1978).